Dandadan to Receive an Anime



MBS has released an exciting teaser to announce the upcoming premiere of a television anime based on the manga 'Dandadan,' a work by Yukinobu Tatsu that blends paranormal mystery and romantic comedy. Fūga Yamashiro, known for his role as assistant director in Tatami Time Machine Blues, takes the helm of this intriguing project at Science SARU studio. Hiroshi Seko leads the supervision and scriptwriting, while Kensuke Ushio is responsible for composing the music that will accompany this unique story. Naoyuki Onda has taken on the task of designing the characters, and Yoshimichi Kameda contributes his talent in creating the extraterrestrials and supernatural entities that will bring this mysterious world to life. With these talented professionals on board, the animated adaptation promises to immerse viewers in a unique experience next year.

Viz has released the English version of this manga, presenting an intriguing plot:

A paranormal enthusiast finds himself at a crossroads, facing powerful spirits and extraterrestrials in a competition for the secret power of his 'family jewel.' In this supernatural struggle, who better to join him than his high school crush and a spiritual grandmother?

Momo Ayase and Okarun are two individuals polarized in their beliefs about the paranormal. Their journey to prove each other wrong plunges them into a world of secret crushes and paranormal battles, where participation is essential for belief.

The unusual connection between Momo Ayase and Okarun, nicknamed for having a name that must not be spoken aloud, sparks a peculiar friendship. While Momo is convinced of the existence of spirits, she dismisses the idea of extraterrestrials as nonsense. On the other hand, Okarun holds exactly the opposite view. To settle their differences, both embark on missions to prove the validity of their beliefs: Momo seeks UFO sightings, while Okarun ventures into haunted tunnels. The plot unfolds into a charming tale of young love, blended with elements of extraterrestrials and spirits in a surprisingly intriguing manner.

Tatsu's work is serialized on Shueisha's Shonen Jump+ service, with Volume 12 scheduled for release on December 4.

News about the anime, including the cast, will be revealed during the Dandadan stage event at Jump Festa 2024 on December 16.

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